Building Pathways Webinar

Learn how we can bridge the gap between the education system and manufacturing industries through apprenticeships.

Join Us for a Live Virtual Panel Discussion on Bridging Education and High-Demand Careers

When: May 7, 2024  
Where: Online

The National Institute for Innovation and Technology is excited to invite you to a critical discussion on bridging the gap between the K-12 education system and high-demand careers in the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing industries through apprenticeships. This event is part of the inaugural Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Our panel of experts from academia and industry will discuss:
- Alternative career pathways for youth.
- Debunking common myths surrounding vocational education.
- The practical benefits and lucrative opportunities apprenticeships offer.

This live virtual panel allows participants to engage directly with leaders and experts, providing a platform to ask questions and gain insights into developing valuable career paths for the future workforce.

Register for the webinar here!

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Advanced Learning Academy

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Pack Internship Grant Program

The Nevada Career Studio is recruiting employers for the Pack Internship Grant Program.