SCORE – Marketing to the Third Sector; Federal, State, and Local Governments

Learn how to market your products and services to government entities

Learn how to market your products and services to Government entities.

Topics include:

1) Find out how to organize and manage a GSA Approved vendor and utilize set-aside programs available.

2) Could your firm use surplus GSA equipment like cell phones and computers or vehicles?

3) Find out how you can register for funding for startups through government programs such as the USDA Grant Programs.

4) Examples of Requests for Proposals for any kind of business by the online portal by the US Government. Why sell one item when the bid is usually for over 100 units.

Date & Time: March 5, 2024, 6:00pm PST

Cost: $0.00

Duration: 120 minutes

Language: English

Location: Innevation Center - Ideation CR. 450 Sinclair Street, Reno, US, 89501

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